

When I did first my steed of steel obtain,
I did not think to add a loud refrain.
But then I heard the music of the street,
And I did yearn to join in with the beat.

So I did purchase a most excellent sound system,
And now my car does sing as loud as any human.
I do not care if others do complain,
For I am happy with my new found gain.

When I am driving down the street,
I do feel like a king.
The music fills my soul with joy,
And I do not care what others think or say.

New exhaust

My car, a steed of steel, did once purr

Like a contented kitten, but no more.
I replaced its exhaust, and now it roars
Like a great lion, ready to devour.

The neighbors do complain, but I do not care.
I love the sound of my car's engine roar,
And I know that it is faster now, too.

So let them complain, I say. I will not care.
My car is now a beast, and I am its master.

Bought the car

I bought the car today. Let the journey begin!